Cut Foot Sioux Lake
Cut Foot Sioux is a hotspot on opening fishing weekend. A classic spawning area for Big Winnie’s walleyes, the heavy concentrations are fished relentlessly, boat to boat at times, especially around William’s Narrows. One- to 1.5-pound males are usually the most active early in the year with some 8- to 10-pound females becoming more responsive after the post-spawn period. The Gap, Battleship Point and the island to the east of Battleship give up some good fish each autumn. As in most walleye lakes, plan on some northern pike line bite-offs. Slab crappies are also found throughout Cutfoot. Cutfoot is 2,851 acres in size, has a maximum depth of 78 feet and a median depth of 23.6 feet. It has a shorelength of 18.2 miles.
Little Winnie Resort is located just 1/2 mile from the Winnie Dam public access. Fishermen gain access to Cut Foot Sioux Lake from Lake Winnibigoshish. Stay with us while you fish Cut Foot Sioux Lake!