Lake Winnibigoshish
Lake Winnibigoshish – also known as Lake Winnie or Big Winnie, and often misspelled as Lake Winibigosh or Winnibigosh – is the fifth largest lake in Minnesota and covers 67,000 acres. Lake Winnibigoshish is well known as one of the finest walleye fishing lakes in Minnesota. Big Winnie is a great producer of both walleye and northern pike. As a general rule, the best time to fish for walleye is from May thru the first week in July and then again from mid-August until freeze up. The best time for northern fishing is from July through October. The jumbo perch bite well here all year. The state record musky was caught on Lake Winnie and a number of large muskies prowl the depths of the lake. There are also crappie, bass, perch, sunfish and bluegill found in the lake. Big Winnie has a maximum depth of 65 feet and a median depth of 15 feet. The Mississippi River flows through its center. Nearly 95 percent of the 35-mile-shorelength is undeveloped.
Little Winnie Resort is located just 1/2 mile from the Winnie Dam public access. Stay with us while you fish Lake Winnie!
Lake Winnie is also host to a walleye fish hatchery. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources encourages people to visit the hatchery and witness their work first-hand. Call (218) 327-4430 to schedule a tour.